Each year since 1977, on the third Thursday of November, smokers around the nation come together to take part in the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout, taking place this year on November 18.
Author: acsonline
For some people — mainly kids and their parents — summer ends on the first day of school. Other people feel like summer ends on Labor Day weekend. Scientifically, however, summer ends and autumn begins each year on September 22, or sometimes, on September 23. (It’ll occur on September 23 in 2023.) The day on which autumn arrives is called the autumnal equinox.
Parents will do anything for their children. So, it should come as no surprise that when children are agonizing over nightly homework assignments, parents are eager to alleviate the discomfort by offering their help. This raises several questions: What are the best ways to help kids with homework, and how much help is too much?
As a new academic year is about to begin, students will start the 2021-2022 school year with new goals, opportunities, and challenges. After a few months of vacation, however, it may be difficult for children to get back into school mode. Here are some ways parents can help their kids transition from summer break into the routine of getting up and going to school five days a week.
Is your child refusing to eat anything but sugary breakfast cereals, burgers, fries, and desserts? All too often, kids are bingeing on unhealthy snack foods instead of fruits and vegetables. Children today can go days without consuming any greens at all. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests vegetables should be consumed with every meal and snack. However, produce intake can be difficult when kids are picky eaters.
As the school year draws to a close, everyone is looking forward to the next school year being a lot more normal than the last year has been.
Tips for Improving Reading Skills
The development of good reading skills in early childhood is the best predictor of future academic and financial success. The earlier kids learn to read, the better. The challenge is, not to teach kids to read, but to create an environment where kids will learn to love reading.
Every Kid Can Be Courageous
A child’s life is filled with firsts. In no particular order, here are just a few things kids will, at some point in their first few years, do for the first time:
The Importance of Good Attendance
Someone once said that 80% of success in life is just showing up. Academically, however, showing up is even more important. One of the most effective ways to ensure the future success of your child is also one of the easiest: Be certain they show up. Even in these times of distance learning, it’s crucial that your child participates academically every day.
Here’s a harsh fact: Not everyone is good at everything. Some people are terrible athletes, some are poor in art or music, and some have difficulty with math or science. Conversely, some people are superb athletes, unbelievably creative artists and musicians, or show brilliance in math and science. That’s just the way life is. Not everyone is good at everything.