Parent Communication | Arizona Online Charter School

Parent Communication


Parent Teacher Conferences

At the end of each grading period or as needed/requested.
Parent Image

Arizona Online Charter School schedules virtual parent-teacher conferences. During these regularly scheduled conferences, parents have the opportunity to discuss student progress and student data with teachers. Parents will also be supplied with resources to support online learning.

Parent-teacher conferences serve to promote school/family partnerships. Teachers, working in conjunction with parents, keep family members connected to a student’s activities and progress, ensuring that every AOCS student receives a well-rounded education.

Are there other ways for parents and teachers to keep in touch?

Yes! ClassDojo is an online platform designed to encourage parent-teacher communication. With ClassDojo, teachers can encourage students — whether it’s working hard, being kind, helping others, or something else. Parents can communicate with teachers and can join their child’s class using any device. ClassDojo is designed so that teachers, school leaders, and families can become partners and create an incredible school community.
