School Curriculum | Arizona Online Charter School



Arizona Online Charter School utilizes an instructional program called Beyond Textbooks to guide the curriculum. Beyond Textbooks refers to a philosophy of teaching and learning that transcends textbooks and state standards to strengthen support for communities of teachers, facilitate teaching and learning, and improve student growth and achievement. Arizona Online Charter School also prepares students based on Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards, which are designed to improve educational outcomes for students by raising the bar for student performance to ensure they’ll be college and career ready.


Google Classroom

Arizona Online Charter School uses Google Classroom for distance-learning students. Google Classroom is easy to use, taking only minutes for students to get up and running. Google Classroom allows students to work simultaneously in the same document with the whole class or connect face-to-face with Google Meet. Students can access Google Classroom anywhere, on any device, giving students and their families flexibility.

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ClassDojo is a digital sharing platform that allows teachers to share with families via a web browser or app so that nearly any device can access the content – from a simple smartphone to a laptop computer. As long as it has a browser, photos and videos can be viewed.
ClassDojo brings school communities together, with one place for teachers and families to connect, communicate, and share learning experiences.

How does ClassDojo
work for patents?

ClassDojo notifies parents whenever they receive a new private message or a new Class Story post is added.


We also post on the SCHOOL STORY announcements and shares for the whole school.

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Supplemental Curriculum

Arizona College and Career Ready Standards

Today’s high school graduates are entering a global workforce and must be able to compete for jobs or college admission, not only against their peers in Arizona, but in other states and even other countries as well. That’s why Arizona Online Charter School employs the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards, a curriculum used by nearly every public and charter school in Arizona, and in almost every state in the country.

Supplemental Reading Curriculum

AOCS’s supplemental reading programs go beyond core curriculum and support students of all proficiency levels. At Arizona Online Charter School, Reading A-Z, RAZ Kids, and Scholastic News form the basis of our supplemental reading curriculum.

Core Reading Curriculum

Arizona Online Charter School’s core reading program teaches children to learn to read and ensure they reach reading levels that meet or exceed grade-level standards. The programs used are Reading Street, Pearson (grades K-4) and Literature and Language, McDougal & Littell (grades 5-8).

Intervention Reading Curriculum

Reading Intervention provides students with an opportunity to increase reading, writing, test taking, and study skills at their instructional level. Instruction is designed to meet the individual needs of students. Arizona Online Charter School uses Read Naturally Encore, GATE Phonics and Wilson Reading System in our intervention reading curriculum.


AOCS has partnered with ASU Digital Prep to bring our 6-8th grade students high quality digital instruction. Our courses, which include all core courses along with electives, are aligned to national and state standards, are nationally accredited and NCAA approved. They include features to meet all student needs, like real-time translation, text marking features, and note-taking guides.